Product Description
High Performance Racing Chain "Built to Perform & Win".
Xtreme 420HR, where no expense is spared in material or manufacturing quality. The best chain possible so you can have the best riding experience possible! The Xtreme 420HR Chain is not only "Bulletproof" but also looks and feels good when handled and installed. The Natural-on-Black finish stands out among the rest and the chain is a considerable upgrade from an ordinary chain! Remember, you're not just purchasing a chain. You're buying a High-Performance link between winning and losing. That link is...Xtreme 420HR!
Ensure your chain is kept clean and adequately lubricated for an extended service life. Check your chain often for optimal chain slack. Always turn off the engine when working on or around the chain. If this product is used for racing, no warranty implied.
- 5,000 Lb Tensile Strength
- Natural on Black